The Hillsborough County Street Naming and Numbering Ordinance No. 87-06, amended No. 89-05, requires each residential and commercial building to have an address posted in accordance with the following:
· Address numbers should be affixed to the building (structure) front facing the roadway, and to a separate structure such as a mailbox, fence, wall or post.
· Mailboxes, fences, walls, poles, etc. should not be used exclusively to post your address if there is more than one addressed structure on the property; the numbers should also be affixed to each building front.
· Address numbers must be large enough to be visible from the local street from which access is provided while traveling the posted speed limit.
· Address numbers should be visible to both directions of traffic from the local street.
In cases where address numbers are affixed to mailboxes, the numbers should be on both sides of the box. We recommend a minimum of three (3") inch letters.
· Address numbers should be clearly visible and without obstruction from shrubbery, trees, walls, or any other blockage. NOTE: If the residence is located some distance back from the roadway or at the end of a lengthy drive, the numbers should be posted at the entrance drive as well as on the structure.
· Address numbers should be of a contrasting color to their background and materials used should be both durable and weather resistant.
The Hillsborough County 911 Street Naming and Numbering Ordinance does not. consider curb painting of address numbers in compliance with the ordinance. Only those guidelines outlined are acceptable for compliance with the ordinance.
The Hillsborough County Road and Street Department does not endorse nor do they authorize curb painting of address numbers. However, the County does not have an established policy that specifically prohibits curb painting.
For more information on address compliance or private road naming, please contact:
Address Enforcement 9-1-1 Administration
9270 Bay Plaza Blvd, Suite 600 Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 744-5911 (Fax: 813-744-5856)